Additional Resources
Data on space utilization, financial condition of the University, scholarships and financial aid awards, state appropriations, and faculty and staff employee data.
Descriptive and statistical information related to graduate student admissions, enrollments, programs, financial support, and diversity.
Information Technology Services provides student, financial, and human resources information for reporting and analytics across the University.
The official repository for a large collection of archival records detailing the history of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as well as the State of North Carolina.
The Student Academic Information Datamart (SAID) provides the ability to produce summarized statistical reports on enrollment, credit hours, degrees awarded, and more.
Reports about faculty research productivity, the economic impact of research on the State, faculty awards and distinctions, and graduate and post-doctoral training
Student Affairs Annual Reports summarizing their departments work, strategic goals, and objectives in carrying out their mission on behalf of Carolina Students.
Descriptive and statistical information on student characteristics at Carolina. Site also includes access to information about the University’s rankings, as well as campus life at Carolina.
A free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about over 7000 institutions.
Reports and databases on K-12 and post-secondary education, federally-mandated reports on enrollments, faculty, and the financial status of individual institutions.
Access to IPEDS data submitted to NCES by using their data tools or download the data to conduct your research.
Statistical profiles on the UNC System campuses, system-wide reports on graduation rates, student satisfaction survey results, and long range planning efforts.