Report Library
The Report Library for the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment contains a variety of historical statistical and narrative information describing the University. Some of the reports are available as dashboards that allow for an interactive exploration by drilling down or filtering the data. The reports are available to view on screen or download as a PDF or Excel file.
Reports on applications, acceptances, enrollments, and entering student characteristics.
Enrollments by academic unit, residency, and student demographic characteristics including sex, race/ethnicity, and age.
Reports providing degrees awarded, year-to-year retention rates and four, five, and six year graduation rates.
Reports containing full-time equivalents of University employees by rank, sex, race, and academic/administrative unit.
Recent figures and trends for student headcount, University employees, student costs, and Library.
COMING SOON – Customizable diversity report application that provides access to Faculty, Staff, and Student Demographics.
Reports on current tuition and fees as well as trend comparisons to AAU public institutions.
Reports on University revenue and operating expenses, library collections, and trends in contract and grant funding.
Annual reports on the distribution of assignable area and student housing.
The Fact Book is an annual publication containing current facts and figures about all major areas of the University.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) requires the annual reporting of data from universities nationwide.
The Common Data Set is a compilation of most frequently requested statistics and other descriptive information.
To request an ad hoc report, please submit a Report Request Form.