Fall 2023 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2023 | | |
Fall 2022 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2022 | | |
Fall 2021 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2021 | | |
Fall 2020 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2020 | | |
Fall 2019 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2019 | | |
Fall 2018 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2018 | | |
Enrolled Student Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2018 | | |
Fall 2017 Enrollment Reports
Enrolled Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2017 | | |
Enrolled Student Full-Time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2017 | | |
Spring 2017 Enrollment Reports
Headcount Enrollment, Spring 2017 | | |
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Spring 2017 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Gender, Spring 2017 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Residency, Spring 2017 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Full/Part-Time Status, Spring 2017 | | |
Student Headcount by Age and Level, Spring 2017 | | |
Fall 2016 Enrollment Reports
Headcount Enrollment, Fall 2016 | | |
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-time Equivalent by School, Education Level, and Residency, Fall 2016 | | |
Historical Enrollment by Education Level, 1991-2016 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Educational Level and Gender, Fall 2016 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Educational Level and Residency, Fall 2016 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Full/Part-Time Status, Fall 2016 | | |
Student Headcount by Age and Educational Level, Fall 2016 | | |
Frequency of Declared and Intended Majors, Fall 2016 | | |
3-Year Change in Headcount – All Students: by School and Educational Level, 2014-2016 | | |
3-Year Change in Headcount – New and Transfer Students: by School and Educational Level, 2014-2016 | | |
Fall 2015 Enrollment Reports
Headcount Enrollment, Fall 2015 | | |
Enrolled Student Headcount and Full-time Equivalent* by School and Education Level, Fall 2015 | | |
Historical Enrollment by Education Level, 1991-2015 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Educational Level and Gender, Fall 2015 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Educational Level and Residency, Fall 2015 | | |
Student Headcount by School, Education Level, and Full/Part-Time Status, Fall 2015 | | |
Student Headcount by Age and Educational Level, Fall 2015 | | |
3-Year Change in Headcount – All Students: by School and Educational Level, 2013-2015 | | |
3-Year Change in Headcount – New and Transfer Students: by School and Educational Level, 2013-2015 | | |